<uc irvine (graduate)>
- cs269s - theory of algorithms and data structures
- cs230 - distributed computer systems
- cs222 - principals of data management
- cs211b - advanced topics in 3d computer graphics
- cs243 - high performance architecture
- cs260 - fundamentals of algorithms
- cs271 - intro to artificial intelligence
- ics398a - ta training seminar
<uc san diego (undergraduate)>
- cse100 - advanced data structures
- cse101 - design and analysis of algorithms
- cse107 - introduction to modern cryptography
- cse120 - operating systems
- cse125 - software system design and implementation
- cse131a - compiler construction I
- cse131b - compiler construction II
- cse140 - components and design techniques for digital systems
- cse141 - introduction to computer architecture
- cse167 - introduction to computer graphics
- cse168 - rendering algorithms
- cse169 - computer animation
- ece101 - linear system fundamentals
- ece102 - active circuit design
- ece108 - digital circuits
- ece109 - engineering probability and statistics
- ece111 - advanced digital design project
- ece161a - introduction to digital signal processing
- hius133 - history of pirates
- hito133 - war and society (world war II)